Intelligent Energy

2378 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Russia Today calls, must do my bit for President Trump

RT may change its mind but as things stand I am about to head off to BBC Bristol to record an interview on Russian Collusion in the US Elections. I am happy to do my bit for the President (that is Trump not Putin). We all know who the real criminal is in this affair.  Meanwhile I discuss On Line (ONL) but even greater madness at Intelligent Energy (IEH) where one Bulletin Board Moron is in full flow and the (worthless) shares are up by 70%.  Then it is onto Tern (TERN), Servision (SEV), another few comments on Andalas (ADL), 13 Energy (I3E) and finally a detailed look at the rum and coke statement from worthless Boxhill (BOX). I hope Cynical Bear will give Boxhill an even bigger duffing up overnight.  


2384 days ago

Intelligent Energy - now you know that it won't be different this time - a dead cat bounce demonstrated

A dead cat bounce is that last flicker of life, a brief rally, in the share price of a company that is clearly firmly on its way to the knackers yard. Intelligent Energy (IEH) is a case study - yesterday afternoon saw the final wipeout confirmed but ahead of that some folks were buying the shares insisting that "it will be different this time". It never is.


2417 days ago

Tom Winnnifrith Bearcast: Purplebricks, the hard numbers - this just does not stack up at all!

I start off with a cheque received for 29p. Then as we see the Purplebricks (PURP) share price start to melt I look at hard maths and explain why the shares will collapse from here. I look at the Rose Petroleum (ROSE) placing, misleading comments from worthless crap Strat Aero (AERO), dismal interims from shamed lifestyle company Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP) and then at Intelligent Energy (IEH) which looks like a zero in waiting. 


2965 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 March - Red Flags on Green Shite Edition

I shall deal with willie obsessed holiday ruining Easyjet (EZJ) later. And also with Fastjet (FJET) but suffice to say its shares are a sell. A reminder SPUKI - book your seats today to hear me expose the fat share ramper Lenigas in full plus much more at UK Investor on April 30. Thanks to Intelligent Energy (IEH) for clarifying what net cash means ( please note D&D) I cover its woes today plus also Plus500 (PLUS), RedX Pharma (REDX), Next (NXT) and Sareum (SAR)
